Published by DarkXero on Sunday, May 19, 2024
You can contact me privately via my personal Mastodon. That’s the only place for that. I am not available anywhere else for private issues as I am mostly working on my Toolkit these days.
I will answer you as fast as I can, all i ask for is a little bit of patience. I will try my best to answer. If I don’t, it just means I am either too busy or power is out as it usually is here in Lebanon. ;)
Support Me
Also In case you weren’t aware of the current situation in Lebanon, let me put it this way, it’s bad, real bad. Jobs are extremely hard to come by due to the financial situation we have been suffering for the past few years.
So, if you want to support me financially during my country’s worst Economic Crisis in decades, you can do it via FundRazr.. I thank every one of you who have pledged a few pennies here n there.